Category Entertainment centers
Mall of Emirates - DHL - Mall Of the Emirates - E 11, Dubai, UAE
Phone numbers
+971 4 409 4000
Working hours
Sun-Wed 10:00-23:00, Thu 10:00-00:00, Fri 9:00-00:00, Sun 9:00-23:00
The cost of the visit
$60 – for adults, $46 – for children
The Ski Dubai Resort in the UAE is part of the Mall of the Emirates. The indoor ski complex includes 5 tracks of different heights and inclinations (the longest of them is 400 meters), a Freestyle Zone, a "Snow Park" (Snow Park).
The total area of the complex is 22,500 sq. m. Every day, special snow installations produce up to 30 tons of snow, which is used to update the upper three–centimeter layer. The park maintains a constant temperature from -1 to -2 degrees Celsius, and live Christmas trees are planted in Ski Dubai for a natural winter flavor.