Santa Barbara Fortress Spain
On the slopes of Mount Benacantil, objects of material culture of the Bronze Age, as well as the culture of the Iberians and Romans were discovered. However, the appearance of the fortress itself dates back to the II century AD. The name was given in honor of the feast of St. Barbara, which is held on December 4.
The castle is located on the highest part of Alicante and can be seen from anywhere in the city.
You can climb the mountain:
on foot
by car – from the Avenida de Vazquez de Mella (entrance and parking are free)
by elevator – the cost is 2.40 euros (free for pensioners).
Dates and times of operation of the elevator:
April – September: from 10:00 to 20:00
(last lift lift at 19:30, descent at 19:45).
October – March: from 9:00 to 19:00
(last lift lift at 18:30, descent at 18:45).
Entrance to the fortress is free.