Category Water Parks
Carretera de Vidreres, 2, 17310 Lloret de Mar, Girona, Spain
Phone numbers
+34 972 36 86 13
Working hours
10.00-18.00 – May, September, 10.00-18.30–June, 10.00-19.00 - July-August
How to get
Free park buses run from Lloret, Blanes and Tossa de Mar to Water World (departure - every half hour from 9.00 to 11.00 and from 16.00 to 18.00).
The cost of the visit
25 EUR, 15 EUR - children, toddlers - free of charge. Family ticket (2 adults + 1 child) - 65 EUR.
The Water World Water Park in Lloret de Mar, paired with the Aquadiver Park, is the center of the famous resort's daytime fun. Here you will find spiraling and almost sheer water slides, artificial waves for surfing, a mini golf course and many other attractions. But the greatest delight among fans of adrenaline is caused by one of the world's tallest bungee jumping towers with a height of 80 meters.
A whole island has been created for young visitors, on which small slides, shallow pools are installed, and all animators are dressed in pink hippopotamus costumes.
If you have time to get hungry, on the territory of Water World you will find many shady places for picnics or you can have a snack in one of the cafes.