Mountains of Greece
Address Filerimou, Ialisos, 851 01, Greece
How to get
Regular buses run from the capital Rhodes to Mount Filerimos (price 2 - 3 €) from the station "Roda", but only in summer at the height of the tourist season. Alternatively, you can take a bus to Ialyssos (2.1 €), take a taxi there, which will cost 9 €.
The cost of the visit
Is free.
Mount Filerimos in Rhodes is considered the best viewing platform. From its top you can see the resort of Ixia and the ancient Yalissos, well known for its surf spots.
There are ruins of the ancient city of Yalis, ruins of the temples of Athena and Zeus, Christian cathedrals of the XV-XVIII centuries and knights' castles. To climb to the highest point, you will have to walk along a steep path called the "Road to Golgotha" because a large number of bas-reliefs associated with Christian themes are installed along the entire route, and at the very top there is a gigantic cross. It is generally believed that the "Way to Calvary" is equal to the distance that Jesus walked, carrying the cross on which he was crucified.