Bus services from Corfu: convenient travel in Greece and beyond
If you plan to travel around Greece or travel from Corfu Island to other cities, bus transport is a convenient and affordable way to get around.
International and intercity flights from Corfu
Corfu offers easy access to major Greek cities such as Athens, Thessaloniki, Janena and Patras. The bus station on the island serves regular flights to the mainland. In addition, the cost of the ferry is included in the ticket price, which allows you to travel without unnecessary worries. For the convenience of passengers, tickets can be ordered online on the official website of the transport company.
Green Buses Bus Station
Green buses provide daily flights around the island of Corfu, connecting various villages and districts. These buses also make regular flights to major Greek cities, including Athens and Thessaloniki, which makes it easy to plan trips around the country.
Contact information
For more information and to purchase bus tickets, you can contact the bus stations:
In Corfu: Phone number for inquiries and ticket sales – 26610 28900
In Athens: Phone – 210 5129443
In Thessaloniki: Phone – 2310 595409
Don't forget that bus travel is not only a convenient way to travel, but also a profitable one. Book your tickets in advance and enjoy a trip through picturesque Greece without unnecessary worries.